origami, kirigami, enlightenment, mini, dvd, video, 50's, disk
So, where do tangibility, puzzle work and surprise come into action? 

In these Three Simple Truths - that anything worth having is: 

1) something that can be held, 

2) something that can be achieve, and 

3) something that makes people happy while all five senses come alive.

People who receive Enlightenment note cards immediately know they have something unique and through touch and intuition, they know something is hidden in the back pocket.  How surprised they are is completely up to you.  

For co-workers, you could give a small gift book, pressed flowers, tea, chocolate, a mini-CD of music, a mini-DVD of any happy event attended, or gift cards to a favorite coffee shop.  

For business partners and patrons, you could even highlight past fund-raisers or benchmark achievements; upscale the gifts to quality compasses and kaleidoscope disks or small digital photo-frames.  

The list of possible gifts is truly endless, especially when you make them more personal…For us at Elegant E!, we simply know that one more ripple has occurred in the emanation of goodwill...

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